Kendo Line-Up Commands Beginning Practice
With english transliterations and Japanese
After the final Rei from the stretching or foot work drills, call out...
“Say-Rets !!” This is the call to line up.
(this needs to be said loud enough for everyone to hear)
Quickly get to the start of the line, you are the anchor point that everyone else will follow.
Wait for all of the people to line up standing along-side your position. After the last of the
Sensei/teachers moves to sitting position, call out…
“Chyak-Sa !!” or “Say-Za !!” Move to Seiza position and quickly set up your equipment.
Everyone will be looking to you for where to place their equipment, so be as quick as you can
while maintaining proper form.
After visually confirming that the line is straight and everyone has their gear in a straight
line, call out…
“Key Oat Skay !!” Draw yourself to sharp attention in the Seiza position
“Moak-Sooooooooooo !!” Meditate
This command should be followed by a brief pause of silence so everyone can silently reflect.
“Moak-So Yah-May !!” Stop meditating.
“Show-Men Ni !!” Face the Shomen direction.
Pause long enough for everyone to face toward the clock.
“Ray !!” Bow from Seiza position.
“Sen-sei Knee !!” or “Sen-sei Ga-ta Knee !!” Face the Sensei.
If there is only one Sensei, then the first or if there are two or more use the second. Pause
briefly so everyone has a chance to face the direction of the Sensei. Be certain to allow enough
time for the line-up to change direction.
“Ray !!” Bow from Seiza position.
“Ota-Gai Knee !!” Face the direction of your partners.
This will always be the same direction as Sensei.
Again, a slight pause…
“Ray !!” Bow from Seiza position.
Pause long enough to see if the lead instructor has any comments to make before the start of
Men Oat Skay !!” Put on your equipment.
Rise once the lead Sensei rises. At some other clubs or Dojos, it maybe preferred to stand as
soon as you are ready – Ask before the practice starts.