Parts of a Shinai and How to Hold It
In this article, you'll learn about the different parts of shinai (bamboo swords used to practice Kendo), and you'll have the opportunity to practice proper hand placement for holding a shinai.
Anatomy of a Shinai

A shinai is generally comprised of four slats of bamboo, a leather cap, a plastic plug, a thin leather strap, a handle, a small square of thin steel, twine, a cross guard, and a cross guard support. The overall design and components of the shinai have not changed dramatically over the years. Although you are not required to be familiar with the shinai for promotion testing (testing to increase rank), it factors into the safety of Kendo practice. We request that every member takes the time to become familiar with how to take apart, adjust, and reassemble the shinai. This enables you to repair or replace faulty or damaged pieces. A damaged shinai not only reflects badly on you as a kendo practitioner, but also poses a potentially serious danger to your fellow senpai and kouhai. Ask one of your senpai how to take it apart and inspect the pieces. You will eventually need to adjust the cord as the leather handle begins to stretch. This is also an excellent opportunity to adjust the handle length if needed.
Names of Shinai Parts
By becoming familiar with these terms, you'll have a common reference for discussion which can greatly reduce confusion in conversation.

- Kissaki: 切先【きっさき】
- Thrusting surface of the shinai. Tip of the sword.
- Sakigawa: 先革【さきがわ】
- Leather cap that covers the tip.
- Monouchi: 物打【ものうち】
- Valid striking area of the shinai. It includes the area from the very tip of the sword to the first edge of the nakayui. Since the shinai only has a single blade, this region only applies to the face of the shinai. You may not achieve a point hitting someone with the side of the shinai, even if it is in the monouchi.
- Nakayui: 中結【なかゆい】
- Narrow leather strap indicating the end of the shinai's striking/cutting surface.
- Chikama: 近間【ちかま】
- Any point below the nakayui to the tsuba which is not a valid scoring surface.
- Tsuru: 弦【つる】
- Twine or strong cord that denotes the back of the shinai. This string also holds most of the major components in place.
- Tsuba: 鍔【つば】
- Cross guard or hand guard of the shinai. Unlike western style guards, this is generally round and small.
- Tsubadome: 鍔止め【つばどめ】
- Supporting piece that holds the tsuba in place so it does not travel during use.
- Tsuka: 柄【がら】
- Handle, generally made of leather, that acts as the grip for the shinai.
- Tsukagashira: 柄頭【つかがしら】
- End of the shinai, generally referred to as a pommel. The bottom edge of your left hand wraps around here while holding the shinai.
How to Correctly Hold a Shinai
Practice Exercise

Lets begin this portion of the discussion with an exercise. Stand up with your hands at your belt level. Place your open hands together, with your palms flat and your fingertips together. Your arms should be comfortably relaxed and naturally bent at the elbows. Keep your shoulders and elbows relaxed.

Now move you right hand ahead of your left hand with a fist's distance between them. The shinai goes into the left hand. This positioning is very important.

Notice how, in the images, the left hand comes over the edge slightly and that the handle is actually at an angle in the hand. We do not hold a shinai as you would a flashlight or a baseball bat. The angle allows us to strike at the top of our opponents' men (striking point on the head) and also to have greater range in our attack. Also notice that the hand is not tightly clenched. Only the ring and pinkie fingers are exerting pressure on the handle.
Common Mistakes

The left hand grip is displayed here. As with the left hand, the right hand is not clenched tightly either. Notice in the second picture where the fingers are shown to be relaxed, but not open.

At any point during cutting, you should be able to open your fingers and they should be pointing directly away from you.
In bogu it is difficult to see correct placement of the hands because of the kote (striking point on the wrist). But your cuts will reflect to everyone else if your positioning is incorrect. It is important to always be aware of correct grip on the shinai. Check yourself until it becomes second nature to you.

Make every effort to avoid gripping the shinai as shown in the pictures of common mistakes. They are all excellent examples of what not to do. When gripping the shinai correctly, you will naturally develop a strong kamae (stance or position) and be much less open to attacks.
Point Your Shinai

Now that your hands are gripping the shinai properly, let's focus on the final aspect of holding the shinai. The tip of the shinai, the kissaki, should always bw pointed toward your opponent's throat. If the two of you walked directly towards each other, your kissaki would end up touching each other's throat. When practicing alone, picture a perfect reflection of yourself as your target and adjust the height of the tip of the shinai accordingly. It can help to practice facing a mirror.
If you have any further questions, feel free to address them with your senpai or email us.